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As a young man my father spent time with the Hualapai in Arizona. The Elders knew that their Ancient Ways needed to be remembered. When my father left his friends he carried a "medicine bundle" in his heart. These were the memories of the Ancient Ones. The rules are not a secret of the people, they are common sense. My father is in his eighties now, and the bundle was presented to me in a vision, and the bundle is now in my heart. No matter what I say or do this bundle directs my life. These are the rules of the bundle.
These are the contents of the bundle as much as I have learned, I guess. There are probably more.
If a person follows the rules of the bundle-especially loving others and self-you can do no wrong-and your path and the reason for things comes directly from the Creator. Your feet automatically take steps forward! Nature, and time in her element is the second teacher of lifes lessons. Walk in Peace!
Name of author withheld at their request.
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Do you have a story to tell, an article to publish or a poem to share. Dancing Bear is once again accepting submissions. Please use the Contact Us page to make a suggestions about your submission.
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