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Dancing Bear Way

Who Am I?

by Name Witheld

Who Am I?
    I am me; of body, thoughts, and energy
    This is my being which is becoming

What Am I Becoming?

How Am I Becoming?
    By traveling a learning road
    I am on a journey
    It is a winding path with many distractions

How Do I Affect Others?
    Some fear me
    Some seek me out in awe
    Some think me willful and outspoken
    Some are confused
    Many seek my counsel
    While others counsel me

How Do I want to Affect Others?
    To aid others on their path
    To touch the world
    To feel eternity and bring it into the now
    To stand as a light, a beacon in the night
    To give balance and evoke harmony

What is my Destination?
    I, like each of us, seeks enlightenment
    It is our diversiy which leads each of us to travel separate paths
    It is our common destinaion that at times causes our paths to converge
    On my journey I give seeds to people
    If needed I show them how to enrich their soil,
    Show them how to plant their seeds
    And even how tend their garden
    Then I move on leaving each person to reap the harvest of their work
    Gathering more seeds for the next person
    My gift is the unending supply of seeds that are given to me
    My harvest is the saisfaction of knowing that as I grow closer to becoming enlightened
    I have left behind a trail of seeds for others to find and follow
    In this way I have the joy of knowing that we will not be alone in the bliss of enlightenment

Name withheld by request

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