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Dancing Bear® Enlightenment Academy (DBEA) Smart Phone APP Download Information

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The Dancing Bear Way website is a companion to the Dancing Bear Enlightenment Academy Site. The mission of the Academy is to provide spiritual and Holistic Information and related training to help people in improving their lives through spiritual development and healthy living. The Academy is an online-only program that has many courses on spiritual development as well as holistic health and living. These courses are intended to help anyone interested in their personal growth and improving their health. At Dancing Bear Way all our information is offered free for your enlightenment.

We invite you to download our APP from either the Google Play Store or the Apple APP Store and enjoy our free content. We also offer a subscription after you download the APP. This subscription is FREE and offers additional free content and a free course.


Dr. Beverly Lawrence

The Founder of the Dancing Bear Enlightenment Academy & The Dancing Bear Healing Center, Dr. Beverly, has extensive training and decades of experience in various spiritual & holistic therapeutic fields. She has been training students in the area of meditation, spiritual development, and living holistically for over 30 years. She also was a Teaching Assistant for over 5 years at a Naturopathic Medical School. Her acupuncture practice moved from Chandler to Cottonwood, Arizona as a result of the events of 2020. It was in 2020 that she took her training online as a holistic medical intuitive to bring her expertise to as many people possible on global scale. To learn more about Dr. Beverly please visit her home page at Dr. Beverly Home Page

Weekly Podcast & Summits

Dr. Beverly hosts a weekly podcast (YouTube, SimpleCast, Spotify, Apple, Amazon, and more channels being added) every Monday at 11 AM MST-Arizona. This podcast is sometimes a talk by Dr. Beverly, or it is interviews of other Holistic Professionals & Coaches. Every Thursday at 5pm (MST-Arizona) Dr. Beverly leads a guided meditation live on the YouTube channel, broadcast later on the audio channels. On Thursdays Dr. Beverly leads a support group for people taking the Free OM for Success program..

Twice a year Dr. Beverly hosts a Holistic Transformation Summit with other Coaches & Holistic Professionals who talk about their Holistic Transformational journey.