Handwriting Analysis

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Handwriting Analysis to Change Your Life!

Your Handwriting is a reflection of your inner emotions

Emotions are the primary cause of all struggles, unhappiness, and dis-ease.

When we change the way we srite some of out letters it can dramatically change our entire life. When Dr. Beverly was in high school she had many challenges. Her mother had a lady analize her handwriting. She knew all about Beverly. She just assumed that her mother had told her everything she said. Then the lady told Beverly to change the way she made the letter t. That she would be in her power, right now she was giving all her power away to others. Beverly made that simple change and it did indeed change her life for the better. From that point on Beverly became interested in handwriting analysis and the power it has to help us in ways we cannot imagine.

Years later Dr. Beverly studied with Vimala Rodgers at the International Institute of Handwriting Studies where she became certified in handwriting analysis. This is not the same as graphology (i.e., graphology is the study of handwriting. Through analysis, graphologists can learn a great deal about a writer. Graphologists can determine personality traits by examining the way a person forms each letter. The results can be helpful in putting together a personal profile.)

What is Vimala Handwriting? "Because how we think is how we write, and, conversely, how we write is how we come to think, the Vimala Handwriting Systemâ„¢ incorporates positive, forward-thinking writing patterns."

Our handwriting is a reflection of our innermost feelings and thoughts. By changing our handwriting it changes our subcomscious and brings us into alignment with our divine purpose by letting go of our negativity and limiting beliefs.

The Process of Handwriting Analysis

Handwriting analysis requires two things. First a set of goals and second two pages of handwriting that comes from the heart. Following are the instructions for creating a handwriting sample to submit for analysis by Dancing Bear AKA Dr. Beverly. This form of analysis is based on the spiritual meaning of the letters based on Kabbalistic studies. It also includes numbers, and margins of both the page, between words, and between letters.


Find a comfortable and quiet place to sit. Write out three goals that you want to achieve in your life or some aspect of yourself you want to change. These should be specific goals. For example: honor my creativity by writing a book within one year, or stop procrastinating by starting and completing a project within one month, etc. Write on a hard surface like a table or desk. Use only a ballpoint pen or a pencil (NO felt tip pens).

These goals can be on an emotional, spiritual, or mental level as well as on the physical plane. They can be personal, professional or whatever you want. Whatever it is you want to change about yourself, just express it as a goal. Remember a goal has a timeframe, a measure for success, and it is always good to have an incentive or reward for your success.


Write out two pages in your own handwriting. Write from your heart about anything you care about. It can be on any subject but do not copy another source, or take dictation. It should be in prose format and not poetry or other stylized writing. Use a ball point pen. Write on UNLINED, 8.5" x 11" paper. Write lengthwise (portrait) on the paper. Do NOT print, use script even if you never use script. FYI: if you never use script, start NOW as it will change the rest of your life for the better and improve all your relationships.

Do not worry about spelling, grammer, or content. Just write about things you care about like family, friends, pets, etc. Dr. Beverly does not actually read what you write, that is not important. What is important is that it came from your heart, i.e., what you were feeling at the time you wrote the two pages.


Submit the handwriting for analysis by setting up a free consultation with Dr. Beverly. She will tell you where to mail the pages (2 pages of handwriting and one of your goals). She will also give you a link to set up your first consultation and collect a payment from you. You must have submitted the papers to Dr. Beverly and she has had time to analize them pripor to the first session.


You will be given homework to be done every day. This includes writing out the letters that you were given to change. You will also need to keep a daily journal of the changes. You will also be given an affirmation for each letter assigned and asked to live that affirmation for a day.


Sometimes you will be given letters first that do not directly impact your goal but are neeeded to change first before the actual goal changing letters are given. Some letters like Cc and Gg can only be given one at a time. Other letters can be given 2-3 at a time. There is a mazimum of 3 letters given in any one session. The first time a session is held it is lengthy, budget at least one hour. Follow sessions are short, 15-30 minutes. By then you will already know the process. You will be given the letters, affirmations, and homework (homework is the same for all letters).

We invite you to book a free 15-minute meeting with Dr. Beverly to see if this therapy will work for you :

Book your appointment HERE!

Dr. Beverly Lawrence

The Founder of the Dancing Bear Enlightenment Academy & The Dancing Bear Healing Center, Dr. Beverly, has extensive training and decades of experience in various spiritual & holistic therapeutic fields. She has been training students in the area of meditation, spiritual development, and living holistically for over 30 years. She also was a Teaching Assistant for over 5 years at a Naturopathic Medical School. Her acupuncture practice moved from Chandler to Cottonwood, Arizona as a result of the events of 2020. It was in 2020 that she took her training online as a holistic medical intuitive to bring her expertise to as many people possible on global scale. To learn more about Dr. Beverly please visit her home page at Dr. Beverly Home Page

Weekly Podcast & Summits

Dr. Beverly hosts a weekly podcast (YouTube, SimpleCast, Spotify, Apple, Amazon, and more channels being added) every Monday at 11 AM MST-Arizona. This podcast is sometimes a talk by Dr. Beverly, or it is interviews of other Holistic Professionals & Coaches. Every Thursday at 5pm (MST-Arizona) Dr. Beverly leads a guided meditation live on the YouTube channel, broadcast later on the audio channels. On Thursdays Dr. Beverly leads a support group for people taking the Free OM for Success program..

Twice a year Dr. Beverly hosts a Holistic Transformation Summit with other Coaches & Holistic Professionals who talk about their Holistic Transformational journey.